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LED Displays & Electronic Message Centers

Hardware Support

Congratulations on owning a Stewart LED sign!

We want to make the process of operating, maintaining and servicing your LED sign as easy as possible. Here you can find instructions on replacing LED display components, installing and troubleshooting communication methods, and more.

Looking for instructions on the setup and use of your LED sign software?
Please see our Software Support page.

Learn how to take a photo of your LED sign.

LED Displays & Electronic Message Centers Hardware Support


For general instructions on operating your LED sign hardware, including how to open the LED cabinet and vandal cover.

Do not keep your LED sign powered off or put it on a timer. The sign is designed to have power supplied to it at all times, except during maintenance or service. Do not shut the sign down overnight, on weekends or during other times of disuse. The sign uses very little electricity when not showing a message, and allowing it to continue to run - although blank - keeps the fans running and avoids moisture build-up. This protects the electronics inside the sign.


How your LED sign transmits data to and from the controlling software is called the communication method. This option is selected at the time of sign purchase. Select your communication method below for setup and troubleshooting instructions.

Short Range Wireless

Short Range Wireless

Using Wi-Fi radios.

For direct line-of-sight communication over a maximum distance of 1500 feet.

Short Range Wireless
Long Range Wireless

Long Range Wireless

Using a cellular modem.

For cellular communication using a customer-provided or Stewart-provided data plan.

Long Range Wireless
Wired Methods

Wired Methods

Using an Ethernet or fiber optic cable.

For trenched communication cables, with our without signal boosting devices.

Wired Methods

Preventative Maintenance

Our signs have been designed and manufactured to provide years of trouble-free operation. This section describes some preventative maintenance steps that may be needed from time to time. We recommend following these steps every three months to ensure that your equipment is in good working order.

Sign Maintenance Manual for printable instructions.

For instructions on cleaning and graffiti removal, fluorescent lamp replacement and more, see the Faces, Cabinets & Support Structures page.

Part Replacement

Below you will find instructions for replacing or servicing individual LED display components. To purchase parts for your LED sign or request them through our warranty service, please contact us.

LED Maintenance Manual for printable instructions.