Our short range wireless solution uses industry-leading radios to communicate with your sign. This method requires direct line-of-sight over a maximum distance of 1500 feet. For software-related issues, please see our Software Support page.
Your sign and short range wireless radio were configured prior to shipping. The device passwords and settings are secured for your protection. If you are having communication issues, see our troubleshooting guide below. Do not reset the device to factory defaults.
Short range wireless radios are manufactured by Ubiquiti. Radios communicate on the IEEE 802.11 Mode(s) B/G/N at 2.4 GHz. Radios are configured to Transparent Bridge Mode, creating a Wireless Distribution System (WDS) between the sign and your network device. The WDS is encrypted with a unique WPA-2 pre-shared key. An RF survey is not included with the Wireless Network Connection. The radios are set to automatically select a propriety channel (channel shifting) to prevent interference from other devices that communicate within the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz range. Radios are FCC / CA certified. This certificate is only for use with the provided ~6dBi whip antenna. Any use of higher gain antennas or different types will void the certification.