When deciding to purchase a new school sign, the artwork that represents your school is an important factor. The font, background color and logo chosen will represent your school for many years to come. Roosevelt Intermediate School in Westfield, NJ decided to take a unique approach when designing the artwork for their new Stewart School Sign.
"Since our school's mascot is the Rough Riders and there weren't any great images of Teddy Roosevelt we wanted on our sign, we decided that an original logo would give our sign a personal touch" explains Pam Friedman, Roosevelt's Computer Technology Teacher and Instruction Technology Specialist.
"We held a school-wide contest asking students and teachers to design a logo for our new sign" she continues. "While we had a number of student entries, many of which the students drew themselves, one of our art teachers designed the winning logo."
The inspiration for the unique new logo came from the school's "Rough Rider Awards". Each grading period, Roosevelt students receive awards for the following: Empathy, Continuously Learning, Collaboration, Reflective Thinking, Responsibility, Persistence and Making Connections. "We created a logo with images that represent the different areas of our school curriculum incorporating these words" says Pam.
By involving the students and staff in the logo contest, everyone became very enthusiastic about the sign purchase and all felt like they had a personal stake in the project. "Everyone in the school was excited about the new school sign. The purchase was made from donations by three of the school clubs!" explains Pam.
Roosevelt Intermediate School's new Stewart Sign not only allows them to communicate to everyone who passes by, but it has also helped them to communicate to their students that they matter. Involving everyone at the school in the logo contest and basing the design around student awards for a personal achievement has helped them to boost morale and truly allow them to give their new sign a personal touch.
Pam Friedman
Roosevelt Intermediate School
Westfield, NJ