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Church Sign for Immanuel Southern Baptist Church

Wagoner, OK

I wanted to tell you about what happened regarding our Stewart church sign.

I was out changing the message on the sign a week ago last Tuesday. I normally change it on Fridays, but I simply didn't get around to it. I've been witnessing to the city meter reader, Sammy Miles, for about 3 years now, and noticed he was making his way down the street reading meters. I called out to him while he was a few houses away and as he finished the nearest meter, he made his way across the street to me, commenting he didn't know it was me who changed the message on the sign. (I decided when we installed the sign that I wasn't going to put up "corny" messages, but it would be either announcements, Scripture, or statements and/or questions that make people think.)

Sammy told me that he really appreciated the messages and they always made him think (which pleased me). I simply turned around and pointed at the message I had just completed, "Not who you know, but what you do, that gets you to Heaven", and asked him what he thought about this one. He looked at it and thought about it for a little while and replied, "well I know God." I told him that the demons knew God and that wasn't enough. He asked me to explain, and I was once again able to share the Gospel with him.

He thanked me and appeared as if he needed to get on down the street. I told him that he needed to not put this off but to go ahead and think about what the sign message said and what we talked about. He told me that "one of these days" he was going to come by and let me save Him. I quickly told him that "I don't save anyone" but Jesus does the saving and what was wrong with "right now." He said he wasn't dressed for it. I told him that God didn't care what he was wearing and he could get saved right then. He quickly looked around the street, so I invited him to go inside the church building with me to "take care of business."

He came in with me and we talked for a little more and he prayed to trust Jesus as his savior!

I wanted to share this with you because, as a representative for Stewart Signs, you share in this victory! I want to encourage you to keep on doing what you're doing knowing that it really is a ministry and there is simply no telling (this side of Glory) how many people have been influenced for the Kingdom because of messages put on your signs!

God bless you, and the rest of you at Stewart Signs, as you continue to serve Him!

Rick Boyne, Pastor
Immanuel Southern Baptist Church
Wagoner, OK

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