Church Sign for First Southern Baptist Church Del City

Del City, OK

Photo #1539

Church Sign
Independent Outdoor LED Sign

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When the First Southern Baptist Church of Del City needed a new sign, they did their research. They found several different companies, but made special notice of Stewart Church Signs, a company actually referred to them by another Baptist church.

"We received a detailed catalog from Stewart, and it was obvious that we were dealing with a very professional company," said Bill Spain, Administrator at the church. They also stressed the importance of the sign complimenting the architecture of their church. "The overall look had to match the style of the building. We wanted symmetry between the two."

Bill and others at the church reviewed the information from various sources. "The products of the other sign companies compared to Stewart Church Signs - that's what made the difference for us. We wanted a Stewart sign."

There was one final detail which sealed their decision. "During the selection process, we also attended the yearly Southern Baptist Convention. We came to find out that Stewart Church Signs is the official sign company of LifeWay and of our denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention." In fact, Stewart Church signs is so highly regarded, it's endorsed by a growing number of denominations, giving its customers extra peace of mind.

"Stewart Church Signs helped us to design the sign and get it in place and functional. Any questions or snags we encountered were quickly and deftly handled by their amazing Customer Support team. Our ability to communicate with the community is a great attribute," said Pastor Tom Elliff.

The sign began making an impact the day it was up. "Our sign went up on a Wednesday afternoon. That evening, a guest in our worship service responded to the invitation to trust in Jesus. In conversation with him, he acknowledged that he was passing our church, saw the sign, and decided to come in for the service. Of course this was all the work of God's Spirit, but also a remarkable testimony to the manner in which He can use a sign!"

Tom Elliff, Pastor
First Southern Baptist Church Del City
Del City, OK

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