Thank you for your valuable assistance in our selection and purchase of a church sign. Your courtesies will be remembered as well as your patience while we were deciding on the right sign. We leaned heavily on your professional expertise and we believe that we are obtaining the best sign that money can buy.
We know that God is in complete control of every situation and "know that all things work together for good to them that love God .... " (Romans 8:28a)
Thanks for all the material you sent and the excellent video presentation that helped in the decision process. Hope to have the pleasure of meeting you one day - but if we don't in this life - we will later on in Heaven!
God Bless you for your caring attitude - your care for others is the measure of your greatness. Stay in there and keep on helping others - you are a real success with God and God's people.
Phil and Nancy Erwin
First Gospel Workers Church
Joplin, MO