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Church Sign for Burdine Free Will Baptist Church

Burdine, KY

We are very pleased with our new church sign! Your people did a marvelous job in designing and manufacturing it to our specifications. We have had many compliments and positive comments from our constituency as well as from people in our community.

About two weeks after the erection of our sign, a gentleman stopped at our church and left one-hundred dollars for the treasury of our church. He identified himself as a tourist who had turned off the interstate roads to travel on some smaller roads and see some different country side. He told us that when he read the message on our sign he just wanted to stop and leave something to help us in our ministry. The message on our sign read simply, "God loves you and so do we" His comment to his wife as they turned onto our church property was, "Here are some people who love the Lord and love people". His gift was placed in our benevolent fund.

John DePriest, Pastor
Burdine Free Will Baptist Church
Burdine, KY

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