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School Sign for Mckinney Independent School District

Mckinney, TX

Al Conley, Principal: I'm the principal here at Burks Elementary School here in McKinney, Texas. Well just by looking at the sign you could see it's way more engaging. You know the color, the animation, all of the things that we can do digitally has parents wanting to look at it. They'll come and ask me "oh I saw this on your sign", even though we sent out every newsletter in the world. They see the sign and they notice that.

Jason McClure, District Technician: The content is always going to be important for us and being able to communicate and have a consistent message across every school is important for the community and for our school district.

Amy Holderman, Principal: It's very user friendly and you can access it anywhere. So you do not have to be necessarily at school which is a great feature for busy people. It allows you to access and put information up-to-date from any location wherever you are, so that you can communicate with your students, staff, parents, and community in a timely manner.

Al Conley, Principal: We've seen our community engagement here at this campus and the last year has really gone up significantly in the summertime - in the off time when a lot of people aren't around - and you don't have a lot of communication coming out of your school. We offer meals in the summers to families that are in need. We offer a lot of resources from the school to our community. We can put that on our sign so people driving by can see and even if they're not a family of ours they can see "hey in the community they're about to have this event". So those are pretty big deals for us.

David Spann, Chief Information Officer: If we have a bad weather day we need to notify all of our citizens that schools will be out that day. Being able to do that from home - go in and login and create that message and then push it out to all of our signs - it's really critical in our communication to our community. Just logging to the software, choose the sign to update, create the playlist, and it just clicks in.

Al Conley, Principal: Safety and security is huge in schools. People are trusting us with their children, so getting information out quickly is really important.

Lee Wallace, Installer: The work I've done over the last 30 years, I've installed every sign that there is out there - Daktronics, Spectrum, Stewart. And in the last 20 years I've been involved with nothing but school districts, and Stewart Signs has been the largest player in that market that I've done business with. The relationship between contractor and the sign company starts well before the sign ever gets here. The importance of that relationship on a project of this size; you really can't even describe the importance of it. This experience that I've had dealing with 26 different campuses and different signs - the art work, the logistics with the city, the support team from Stewart Signs. Once we got them up and running, it was incredible. I'll definitely recommend Stewart Signs in the future.

Al Conley
Mckinney Independent School District
Mckinney, TX

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