A Sign of the Times

The Stewart Signs Blog

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Everyone loves a funny sign, and sometimes humor is found in places you'd least expect it. Churches, in particular, have a way of handing out unexpected laughs to passersby. In honor of all things rooted in hilarity, here are 101 of the funniest church sign sayings we've noticed when congregations are getting the Good Word out about God.

Whether it's a little friendly competition or more serious athletic games, chances are, someone's keeping score. Scoreboards come in a huge variety of shapes, sizes, and structures, but, bear in mind, these sport-essential elements can also take a beating. If you went the inexpensive route - or if your decades-old board is still ticking - you're probably losing points with your audience.

It is important to update your LED sign with new, fresh content on a consistent basis. You made an investment into a dynamic portal of communication so use it to its fullest potential! In order to keep all eyes on your LED sign, the messages and graphics should be timely, informative and relevant and this means that updating your LED sign is crucial in order to maximize its impact.

There are a lot of advantages to replacing an old digital sign with a new digital sign. One clear advantage is the fact that the technology has drastically changed even from as little as five years ago. Now digital signs are available in 10mm, which means this is quadruple the pixels as a 20mm and you can display the same number of characters and lines in a smaller space.

Creating captivating sign content is hard, but we're here to make it easier. Do you have an LED sign and never realized what a challenge it would be to create a message that would grab attention?   Or, have you been thinking about upgrading your current sign and hadn't even considered what would come next?

Charming church signs can have a big impact with passersby, but clever church sign ideas aren't always easy to come by. This winter, why not use your church sign to make people smile and welcome visitors to your pews? Here are 15 "cool" church signs for winter to help you spread His Word.

Making an investment in an LED sign for your school will show your staff, students, parents, prospective new hires, as well all others passing by that your school is a future-focused educational institution. With a new LED school sign, you can quickly and conveniently share the mission of your school along with many other current messages such as important announcements, special events, holiday greetings and community information. LED signs exhibits progressive thinking and a commitment to technology and technological advancement.