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Our Blog: A Sign of the Times

Choosing the Right Outdoor LED School Sign

There are many things to consider when choosing a digital sign for your school. Of them, the most important things to consider are viewing distance, audience, messaging needs, and budget. There are other factors that may determine what type of sign your school chooses, but these are some of the most impactful for most schools.

Viewing Distance for Digital School Signs.

The distance between your sign and the people viewing it is extremely important to consider when choosing a LED school sign. Where the sign will be placed will help you determine how big the LED message area needs to be and what pixel pitch is going to be the most effective for youraudience. To learn more about letter sizes and how it affects reading times, visit our page here. To learn more about viewing distances, watch this quick video showing how distance matters when choosing a pixel pitch.

Who is your Intended Audience?

Do you want to get more students to enroll at your school? If so, the messaging on your electronic school sign needs to be seen clearly from the road. By contrast, if your messages are meant for the parents and attending students in the school drop-off lane, your needs will be much different. Who your school wants to communicate with will help you determine the size, pixel pitch, and features of your new LED school sign.

What Types of Messages are needed for Your School Sign?

Digital school signs can display different types of messages. Do you want to show dynamic graphics and videos or simply communicate with text on your sign? LED signs offer many options and the type of sign you choose will depend on your goals and your messaging ideas.

What is your School Sign Budget?

When a school wants to communicate to the community and students, an electronic sign will assist them for years to come. It is important to consider a reasonable budget when replacing a school sign. If your school thinks about the sign as an investment and not an expense, it is easier to justify additional funds.

What you need to know about buying a new school sign.

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