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Our Blog: A Sign of the Times

Lifeway Christian Resources & Signs

For over two decades, Stewart Signs has been a proud partner with Lifeway as its sole provider of outdoor church signs through their OneSource program. With over 50,000 signs in the field, and over 3,700 Southern Baptist church customers, it is understandable why so many churches choose us as their preferred sign company.

Pastor Glen Pearce of First Baptist Church in Iowa Park, TX talks about how our partnership helped his church.

"One of the things we have struggled with is who would get stuck with changing the sign this week..." describes Pastor Glen Pearce when explaining the hassle of manually changing the message on their old changeable letter sign. With the high Texas winds and the low height of the sign, members of the church bickered over who would have to go out and kneel on their knees to change the message. Because of this fact, last minute events and announcements were not placed on the sign.

When upgrading their facility, the church partnered with us to purchase a new LED sign that would allow them to effectively communicate with their community from the comfort of their office. Messages can be updated daily, even scheduled out weeks or months in advance, and therefore the church can advertise events in real time.

"In the long run, the sign saved us money on our advertising budget. We have removed most of our ads from the newspaper and we have found that we get better results from our new sign" says Pastor Glen Pearce.

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