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Our Blog: A Sign of the Times

LED Video Walls vs. Projectors in Churches

Churches come in many different construction types, and LED video walls can enhance the atmosphere during a church service. Jeremiah Butrum, Senior Sales Engineer for Stewart Signs, discusses LED video walls versus projectors in churches. Watch or read more to find out about the benefits of LED video walls.

Jeremiah Butrum: Our Direct View LED video wall that we are selling specifically to churches is positioned as a projector replacement. If your church currently is using a projector for praise and worship and other types of in-service announcements, you're probably having to turn the lights off. We can make it dark so you can see those projectors. If you're not having to turn the lights off, then you're using a really high-end, high brightness projector with a really high-end, high reflective screen and your viewing angle is probably limited on that. That's just the nature of those types of technologies to achieve that type of brightness. For the same price that you can implement that type of solution, Stewart Signs can install a Direct View LED video wall. Now, you can have all your lights on while you're doing praise and worship. You don't have to cover up the windows.

If you're seeding and founding a new church and building a new church, working with church interiors or an organization like that, you can now design your church with full natural light. You can utilize stained glass again. You no longer have to do praise and worship inside of a dark building. The brightness and size of direct view LED display is going to make it so you can create a vibrant atmosphere without turning off the lights. It makes praise and worship a lot of fun. It makes engagement a lot of fun and it makes it more comfortable for a lot of your . . . for different denominations and different demographics within the church by having that type of technology, by having that type of atmosphere within the church that you can gain by having, again, a lot of natural light. You can . . . just create a better atmosphere.

It's less of a concert-like atmosphere, and it's more of a worship atmosphere because you're able to be able to let God in. You're no longer bound to a steel building, which is what we see a lot of the new churches are is a prefab building with no windows, no natural light. Direct View LED video walls within a church for praise and worship really is going to drive a change, I feel, in just the way new churches are built.

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