Our Blog: A Sign of the Times

Can You Win Over Millennials with Outdoor LED Signs?

Whether you run a church, a school, or another type of company, you too will need to look at how your advertising approach affects today's 20- and early 30-somethings. This can be challenging, largely because millennials are the first group of people who have grown up in an era filled with digital stimulation.

Millennials are the first generation of folks to be afforded the luxury of having any information they could desire at their fingertips. They have high expectations and typically look online before they make important decisions. They're a wiser group of consumers than any generation that's come before them simply because of the tools they have at their disposal. Before you can understand your ability to reach Millennials, you have to first understand your audience. Here's a brief run-down of the important things you need to know:

Who Are Millennials?

A few years ago, the term "Millennial" was simply a buzz phrase. Fast forward to 2018, and we're talking about an essential segment of the population. Interestingly enough, this has become one of the most arguable generational groupings in terms of who actually falls into the Millennial category. Thirty-somethings argue against the branding, while twenty-somethings whole-heartedly embrace their Millennial status.

Depending on who you ask, older Millennials were born somewhere between 1980 and 1985, give or take. The end of the generation was born in the late ‘90s to around 2000, meaning the entire generation is now working or of working age. By 2030, it's estimated that around  75% of the U.S. workforce will be represented by Millennials. The thing is, Millennials aren't their parents' generation. They have different desires and expectations, and they're not afraid to walk away if they're not interested. Because Millennials make up a large number of people in any given area, it's wise to focus your advertising towards them. But, where do you start?

It All Starts with a Sign

The thing about Millennials is that they're a flashy set of folks who don't know what the world was like before smartphones. The key to getting Millennials' attention is to recognize their inclination for all things digital. Read another way - it's all about engagement. This generation wants to feel like every piece of signage and each advertising message was tailor-made just for them. The more personalized and interactive the announcement, the more likely you are to capture the eyes of this audience.

Outdoor LED signs certainly have all the elements to appeal to this generation, but you have to approach your advertising just right. Take heed of these tips:

Hop on the Hashtag Wagon

Encourage engagement by inviting your audience to share their thoughts on your social media sites by way of an innovative hashtag that's proudly displayed on your outdoor LED sign. This is a grassroots marketing effort that can help Millennials relate to you. Don't forget to check in on your hashtag and interact with people who take the time to post. Relationship-building is another key to advertising to this specific audience.

Integrate Social Media

Great signage may not be enough to win over Millennials. Remember, they are used to lots of stimulation and they're constantly connected to the world around them. After all, they're digital natives; they may not even understand a world without social media. Outdoor LED signs offer you the ability to integrate social media directly onto your signage. Tack on a few tweets, flow with your followers, and tap into Millennials' spirit of social connectivity. Consider displaying social media posts that integrate your hashtag. The shout-outs will go a long way at making your audience feel appreciated.

Give Them Information

Millennials are hungry for information. Displaying vibrant colors and brilliant images is important, but you also must give them information that satisfies their need. The more information you can give them in a concise, readable manner, the more likely they are to want to learn more about you.

Showcase Your Social Responsibility

Whether your church offers a food pantry every Thursday or your municipality is holding a car wash to benefit a local charity, the message you put out there needs to mean something to Millennials. Make an effort to promote your social responsibility on your outdoor LED signs, and Millennials will be more likely to pay attention.

Ready to Engage with Millennials? Contact Stewart Signs Today When it comes to Millennials, outdoor LED signage is about attraction and engagement. When you capture these keys, the rest should fall right into place. Stewart Signs is your all-generations sign company. Having been in business since 1968, we can truly say we've seen all the trends and amazing innovations technology has delivered to this industry. If you're ready to step into this millennium and attract today's audience, contact us today at 1-800-237-3928.

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