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Our Blog: A Sign of the Times

Attract More Members to Your Congregation

The key to any successful ministry is communication and, if you want new ways of reaching out to attract more members to your congregation, a digital church sign is one of the most cost-effective solutions. Digital signage provides valuable information to the public and if you are looking for ways to develop and uphold a strong congregation, an LED sign is your answer.

An LED church sign offers many benefits including gathering new attendees, communicating messages, public outreach, and offering public service announcements. Plus, LED church signs are much more effective and easier to manage than traditional signs.

Many church administrators wonder whether upgrading to an LED sign can help increase their membership and congregation. A good percentage of first time church goers have been invited by family members or close friends to attend a particular church.

In addition to those individuals who start going to a new church, 10% start going because of the church sign according to a study at the National Evangelistic Association –  especially because of the messaging on the sign. The new people you attract from your digital sign can result in long term worshipers. Just think about all of the new people that have moved into your area and are searching for a new church home, as well as the people that do not already have a church they go to regularly. In order to reach out and communicate to those individuals, a digital church sign is a spectacular way to make an impression and impact which church they will attend.

Communicating messages to members and the community is easily done with a LED church sign. Information displayed on church signs can include service times, bible study times, special community programs and events, any special offers on merchandise or thrift store items and also spread messages that are unique and relevant to the daily activities and announcements in the area. Your church can replace your traditional bulletin with a digital church sign and can communicate to the public feelings and ideas of what your vision and mission of the church truly is.

As you can see, attracting more members to your congregation is easily done with a digital church sign. The investment will pay dividends in the future and will help grow your church. It is one of the best ways to communicate 24/7 to your current members, and promote growth in your church in many ways.

The Secrets to Successful Church Signs and Messaging

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