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Church Marketing: Are You Doing It Right?

Church Marketing: Are You Doing It Right?

When people think of marketing, they usually immediately think about the things for-profit businesses do to attract customers. In actuality, every organization - including churches - needs to know how to market itself. After all, marketing leads to larger audiences, and larger audiences help fill in the blanks on budgets.

As a leader in your church, you already know how important it is to get people into your pews, but are you doing everything you can? Much of marketing involves keeping up with the times - and technology. Church marketing doesn't have to be difficult; you just have to know where to start. Use this guide to start experiencing church marketing success.

Take Your Church to Twitter

Okay, Twitter's just one example. Really, all social media outlets are important because that's where people are today. Talking to people on Twitter creates community engagement, enabling you to reach audiences far larger than you ever would be able to otherwise. After all, it's a big world out there, and it all lives on the internet these days.

Instagram is another social media account your congregation should have in its back pocket. According to Instagram, 1 billion accounts are active every single month worldwide. 80% of users follow a business account on the social giant; they might follow your church, too.

The point is, it's no longer beneficial to be on social media; it's essential. This is your number one way to boost outreach and let people know who you are and why your church is so awesome. Here are some ways your church can use social media to market itself:

  • Post photos of the friends and families who attend your services.
  • Keep your audience updated about announcements, events, and anything coming down the pipeline.
  • Thank guest speakers.
  • Blast birthday announcements.
  • Find donors for fundraisers.
  • Congratulate winners of church festival games, Bingo, and other fun activities your people participate in.

If you have a fear of social media, there are plenty of resources online to help you get started. Better yet? Ask someone in your congregation if they'd be up to the task of tackling your social media project (or have a few volunteers share the responsibility). The key is keeping it active, updated, and engaging.

Make Your Messages Available to the Masses

Does your church have an outdoor sign? If not, let's start there. You need a sign so people know what's going on in your congregation. This is an important step in helping newcomers feel welcome. Outdoor signs can also help passersby get a feel for the personality of your church. For example, if you employ humor on your signage, people who appreciate a good chuckle will be more inclined to visit your place of worship.

Does your church have a sign that's outdated, damaged, or dingy? This is a different kind of problem. Simply having a sign isn't enough. Think about it - if that sign is the first impression people have of your organization, they may think you don't care about the image you're portraying (or the messages you're delivering). You know you have great teachings to spread, but the Good Word shouldn't find itself on a dreary sign that's standing on its last leg. To make a positive impression, your sign should be:

  • Large enough for people to see
  • Bright enough for people to read
  • Unobstructed

All signs are not created equal, though. If you really want to do it right, opt for an outdoor digital sign that'll show the world your church cares about God's messages. Digital signs are vibrant ways to attract today's audience. It's simple to switch out the messages, meaning you can tout your upcoming fundraiser, talk about how great your last service was, and invite people to your next ice cream social without worrying about going outside to change your sign every time you want to advertise a different message.

And speaking of hashtags, have your congregation come up with a great hashtag that's perfect for your unique church, then post it on your digital sign. This instantly makes your church shareable and social media savvy, which is always a good way to be when you're trying to market yourself.

Stewart Signs is America's choice for outstanding church signage. From traditional changeable letter signs to stunning LED digital displays, we're here to help you create a church sign your congregation will be proud of. Take a look at some of the work we've done, and give us a call when you're ready to learn more.

The Secrets to Successful Church Signs and Messaging

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