Outdoor signs are ideal for sharing messages and notifications with your school community and anyone who drives by, but signs can also have a big impact inside your school. In fact, you may want to use indoor signage in a variety of different places throughout the school. Here are some of the rooms where signs can be beneficial and a few tips on using signage effectively.
1. Hallways
School hallways are the classic place to hang posters advertising school dances, ball games, and other special events. But posters take a lot of time to make, they waste paper, and they can be easily ripped down. In contrast, digital signs are reusable and impervious to vandalism. Students can still get involved in their production - they can design graphics, write the messages to be displayed, or even produce video "commercials" for special events.
2. The Lobby
If you have a lobby or foyer that all students and visitors pass through when entering the school, that is the ideal place for an indoor LED sign. In the lobby, signs can announce important messages such as teacher absences, classroom changes, contests, test times, and events - from cheerleader tryouts to chess club meetings. With a digital sign in this location, you can dispense with verbal announcements over the intercom system and let students focus while they are in class. During the first week of school, these signs can act as a map to the campus. Throughout the school year, they can display your monthly calendar. You can even use the sign to broadcast your social media channels (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), and if you like, you can even let students post content to your channels that, once approved, appears on your social media wall.
3. Teacher's Lounge
Signage doesn't just have to share messages with students. Consider setting up a separate network with exclusive content for teachers, and then broadcast those messages to a sign in the teacher's lounge.
4. Digital Signage Outside All-Purpose Rooms
While your school may not have a room of magical requirements, it probably has a multi-purpose room or two. A small digital sign outside the door is an extremely effective way to let people how these rooms are being used. If you have several conference or meeting rooms, these signs can share events in progress as well as upcoming events. When you have visitors coming to your school for special events or conferences, this signage can help to guide them in the right direction.
5. Lunchrooms
In lunchrooms, digital school signs can share announcements and play a similar role as signage in lobbies. However, in this space, you can also give students updates about lunch menus or specials. You can even use some LED signs to replace traditional audio-visual equipment and pave the way for group presentations, films, and more.
6. Gyms
LED signs in gyms can also be ideal for group presentations. But, digital scoreboards are the real "winner" in these spaces. With a high-tech LED scoreboard, you can track the score and time of the game, and you can change the information on your sign with controls operated by timekeepers and officials. You can also broadcast video of the crowd and put up videos of replays to add an interactive, high-tech element to your volleyball games, basketball games, and wrestling matches. Of course, you can use digital signs to advertise your booster club or school sponsors as well.
7. Classrooms
Digital signs can also complement lectures in your classrooms. Use your signs to share headlines in social studies class, fun facts in history class, quotes or poems in English class, or in a variety of other ways. On the first day of school or when new students arrive, you may want to use your signs to post pictures and profiles of students and teachers so that everyone can get to know each other.
School signs can benefit your school from the inside out. From creating a high-tech image, to attracting new students, to improving communication with your existing community, signs are essential. Ready for new signage? Then, contact us today at Stewart Signs.