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Our Blog: A Sign of the Times

12 Summer-Inspired Church Sign Messages

12 Summer-Inspired Church Sign Messages

Whether summer is just starting or winding down, summer-inspired church sign messages are always in season. Here are some awesome ideas to make your congregation and passersby smile with funny church sign messages, and you might even get your church sign shared on social media!

Sunny Outlooks on Life

Vitamin D is good for the body, mind, and soul. Churches that embrace the sun's rays often have a way of touting the Son's message.

1. God's Garden: Lettuce praise Him, squash the gossip, and turnip at church.

With just a few ingredients, this summery sign has created a garden of God's love.

2. Sin burn is prevented by Son screen.

Sunscreen takes on a whole new meaning when you're talking about the Son!

3. Faith is a journey, not a guilt trip.

In this season of summer vacations, this little phrase can make a big impact on your congregation and passersby.

4. We hope your days are filled with Son shine.

This one speaks for itself.

5. Now is a good time to visit. Our pastor is on vacation.

A little light-hearted humor is often appreciated by people who are afraid to get back into the church. This type of sign tells the world your community has a bit of wit and invites anyone to visit.

Taking the Heat in Stride

The blistering sun is the perfect way for creative congregations to poke a little fun at the summer heat while welcoming newcomers into their pews.

6. Our Church is prayer conditioned.

It only takes a few words to make a big impact. This sentence says it all.

7. No, it's not hot as hell!

Funny how a simple phrase can really put the words we say every day in check.

8. If you like treats, try our Sundays.

A humorous approach to heat is always better when it has an ice cream sundae built into the equation.

9. Too hot to keep changing the sign. Sin bad. Jesus good.

Sometimes, you don't need a lot of words to get your point across. If you're in a super-hot region of the country, people passing by will get a good laugh of out of this sign.

10. Well, we had a cool message on the sign, but the heat melted it.

This is a great way to play on the heat of the summer and keep your sign content fresh, even if you don't really have anything new to say.

11. If you think it's hot now, just wait!

Of course, you're not telling your audience they'll soon learn how hot hell is; rather, this tongue-and-cheek approach is a good way to make light of a heated situation.

Making a Play on Seasonal Humor

Sometimes, off-season jokes are the biggest hits.

12. Worship now – Beat the Christmas rush!

You have to admit - it's funny! It'll certainly turn a few heads and get your church a little attention!

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